1st Month-Nisan/Aviv (March-April) Post

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The First Month on God’s Biblical Calendar is the most wonderful time of the year to me. Nisan, also called Aviv, is the first Hebraic month of the twelve months in the Biblical year. During the month of Nisan, GOD performed two major acts of salvation; deliverance from bondage in Egypt for the people of Israel and the death and resurrection of our Messiah Yeshua/Jesus providing salvation for the world.

The First Month of the Bible occurs in spring, March-April on today’s calendar. The earth is giving birth to new life as the spring season brings warm sunshine and greenery of every kind begins to flourish across the landscape. Even the spring rains have a sweet fragrance and the refreshing showers are welcomed by both plants and people alike.

It is no surprise to me why the Father choose to begin HIS calendar for mankind in this season. It says so much about who God is and the amazing world HE has created for us to live in. Adonai our God is the ultimate artist and we get to live in HIS beautiful creation.

The Father has placed some of HIS holiest festivals in this first month; Passover (Nisan 14th at sundown /April 19, 2019), the Feast of Unleavened Bread and First Fruits.  In the Bible, the Feast of the Passover is the biggest celebration of the year. God commands that believers come before HIM at this time (Deuteronomy 16:16); this is first of three commanded feasts in a year’s time. The Father opens the windows of Heaven to pour out a special blessing.

All year long HE has Appointed Times for believers to celebrate before HIM. These annual appointments with GOD are called Holy Days, Appointed Times and Feasts of the Lord. The Father has chosen to do some of HIS greatest works/blessings at His Appointed Times; a pattern that is clearly revealed in the scriptures.

  1. PASSOVER was instituted by God, as is described in the book of Exodus and HE commands that Passover be celebrated in the first month of Nisan on the 14th day forever. HE also established the Feast of Unleavened Bread and First Fruits.
  2. The first PASSOVER, almost 3,000 years, Adonai our God displayed His awesome power in delivering Israel from Egypt. God instructed the people to place the blood of an innocent, unblemished, male lamb on the doorpost of their houses so the Angel of Death would pass over their dwellings, as it delivered death to the first-born in every Egyptian household.
  3. And on PASSOVER in 33 A.D, God chose to have Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) crucified to redeem the whole world from sin and damnation. HE could have been crucified at any time of the year, but God chose to have his crucifixion on PASSOVER to show that Yeshua is the Lamb of God whose shed blood takes away the sin of the whole world. No more need for the blood of sacrificed animals.
  4. Likewise, Yeshua /Jesus could have been raised from the dead at any time, but God chose to raise Him from the dead on the Feast of First Fruits confirming that He is the first fruit of a new creation.

There are more amazing recorded acts of God during the month of Nisan, see the links in the sidebar: “Nisan Events” and “Yeshua in the Passover”.

This entire month is an extended celebration filled with the imagery and symbolism of our faith! The Holy Days display the love of the Father and the Son; and reminds us of the price paid for our redemption. For years, my husband and I have hosted Passover Seder celebrations in our home. I love the special closeness I feel with Yeshua/Jesus as I prepare and serve guests on this special Holy Day. The meal is organized in a special order of service; somewhat of a prayer service with an elaborate dinner combined. We read God’s Word throughout this structured celebration which is followed by praise music and dance.

It is not about the food; it is all about HIM and HIS amazing grace! Yeshua/Jesus lived on earth as a devoted Jew and He kept the Passover just as His Father in Heaven had commanded. The Messiah kept all the Holy Days outlined in the scriptures and taught His followers to live by God’s Word. He gave the disciples new insight into Torah at His Last Passover meal, a lesson only the “Living Word” could teach. This simple but paramount truth helped me realize I need to do more than just read the scriptures; I need to get in sync with ALL of God’s instructions. For me, living by the Biblical Calendar has shifted my focus from the world’s daily schedule to a life based around God’s Time and His schedule.

As believers in Yeshua/Jesus our Passover Seder held on Nisan 14th, retraces the footsteps of Yeshua/Jesus – the night before He was crucified, the death, burial in a borrowed tomb and the resurrected from the dead. We also recount the miracles of deliverance from bondage in Egypt. The Seder is filled with scripture reading, praise music and personal testimony. During this time, I feel engulfed in the presence of the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit). For me, it is a special feeling that is hard to describe: joyous, holy, empowered and humbling – my cup runneth over!

At the Passover Seder, I want to give my guests the very best of everything I have, as if I were serving Yeshua/Jesus personally. I set the table with my best china and crystal, Seder plates for each guest, gold and silk table linens. My husband grills lamb and I make my special Israeli couscous and other dishes; sorry no Easter ham! Sometimes homemade unleavened bread, always lots of matzah bread and desserts, all are delicious and kosher!

Guests and family members from our Messianic congregation also feel presence of the Lord as we obey His commands as outlined in the holy scriptures. After dinner we relax and share personal testimonies of how God has blessed our lives; the miracles we have experienced and witnessed; and our spiritual growth in grace and knowledge of the Word. It is truly awesome and inspiring!

There is a lot of information on the web about the “Messianic Passover Seder” if you want more details. Many local Messianic synagogues and congregations host community Passover celebrations that anyone can attend, however you might have to buy a ticket.

I encourage everyone who believes in Yeshua/Jesus to experience a Passover Seder at least once in your lifetime. Walk in His footsteps during God’s Appointed Time!  Don’t be surprised if you find yourself falling in love with the Jewish Messiah all over again.



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