2nd Month - Iyar - (April May) Bible Events
The Second Month of the biblical calendar established by God is also called Iyar . It occurs between April and May on the Gregorian Calendar. The name “Iyar” is the Babylonian name for the month. The older biblical (or Canaanite) name of the month is “Ziv,” as in 1 Kings 6:1. On the biblical calendar of Appointed Times in Leviticus 23, the entire month of Iyar is dedicated to the Counting of the Omer mitzvah (command) to count off 50 days from Passover until Shavuot or Pentecost (50th Day. This time period is also called the Feast of Weeks in some Christian circles. The Second Month/ Iyar is precious to believers because it is the month of the Messiah’s Ascension to the right hand of the Father.
1 Iyar The Counting of the Omer continues and during this month the Resurrected Messiah Yeshua would have been still walking the earth teaching His disciples about the Kingdom, and appearing to many witnesses for 40 days after his death and resurrection. In the year the Master Yeshua (Jesus) suffered, the apostles went through a spiritual journey during the month of Iyar—the journey from Yeshua’s resurrection on the first day of the Counting of the Omer ( First Fruits) to His ascension on the fortieth day of the Counting of the Omer. (First Fruits of Zion https://ffoz.org/resources/calendar/iyyar/the-journey-of-iyyar.htm
2 Iyar In the year that Israel left Egypt, they spent the month of Iyar in the wilderness traveling toward Mount Sinai. It was during the month of Iyyar that they witnessed miracles like the manna and the water from the rock. (First Fruits of Zion https://ffoz.org/resources/calendar/iyyar/the-journey-of-iyyar.html
5 Iyar (1948) – Israeli Declaration of Independence on Friday, 14 May 1948, before sunset.
7 Iyar (498 BCE) – Jerusalem’s rebuilt walls are dedicated nearly 88 years after their destruction by Nabû-kudurri-uṣur (Nebuchadnezzar II) of the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
14 Iyar (1312 BCE) – “Second Passover” – an additional opportunity to offer the paschal sacrifice, for individuals who were impure on the main Passover holiday. (Book of Numbers, 9).
14 Iyar (1933) – Nazis burned thousands of books written by Jews.
17 Iyar (66 CE) – Jews attack and defeat the Roman garrison in Jerusalem, following the theft of silver from the Holy Temple.
20 Iyar (circa1312 BCE) – The Israelites departed their encampment near Mount Sinai.
26 of Iyar, Yeshua (Jesus) ascended to the heavenly Tabernacle of his Father (Acts 1:3; Hebrews 9:11). The 40th day of the Counting of the Omer.
26 Iyar (1967) –Six-Day War
28 Iyar (1967) –Jerusalem conquered during the Six-Day War. The day is marked in Israel as “Jerusalem Day”.
28 Iyar (circa 1012 BCE) – Death of Samuel the Prophet, marked by pilgrimages to his tomb on the outskirts of Jerusalem.
Iyar from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iyar
1 Kings 6:1 – “In the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the LORD.”
In the year that Israel left Egypt, they spent the month of Iyar in the wilderness traveling toward Mount Sinai. It was during the month of Iyyar that they witnessed miracles like the manna and the water from the rock. http://(First Fruits of Zion https://ffoz.org/resources/calendar/iyyar/the-journey-of-iyyar.html)