The 5th month on the biblical calendar is named AV. Each month has its own unique characteristics and attributes and is linked to Hebrew Tribes, Hebrew Alphabets and Biblical events. Sometimes there are warning and cautions!
Position in the Year |
Biblical Name | Babylonian Name |
Today’s Calendar |
Fifth |
5th Month | AV |
July-August |
The month of AV is the fifth month of the year on the Biblical calendar, counting from Nisan as the first month. The name is Babylonian in origin and appeared in the Talmud around the 3rd century. This is the only month which is not named in the Bible. It is a summer month of 30 days. Av usually occurs in July–August on the Gregorian calendar that we use in the United States today.
The Babylonian Talmud, Taanit 29a, states that: “when we enter [the month of] Av, our joy is diminished”. This is because the darkest events in Jewish history occurred during the first week and a half of this month, particularly The Nine Days which culminate in Tisha B’Av, the 9th of Av. The Nine Days begin on the “First of Av” and culminates on the public fast day of Tisha B’Av (“Ninth of Av”). Excerpt Source: |
The characteristics of the month are excerpts from the book, A Time to Advance, by Chuck Pierce with Robert & Linda Heidler : | ||||
5th Month is AV |
The Hebrew month of Av is the fifth of the twelve months on the Biblical Calendar. The name Av literally means “father.” Av derives from the root, which means, “to will” or “to desire.”
This month is the “low point” for the Jewish people. The 9th of Av was the day the people of Israel chose to receive the negative report of the 10 spies and refused to enter the Promised Land. This date (9th of Av) marks the destruction of both the first and second Temples in Jerusalem. If you study the history of the Jews, you discover that the Jews are caught in a cycle of destruction. |
The 9th of Av |
Every year on the 9th of Av, a window of destruction opens over them. Notice the following events that took place on that date:
Av 9 – 587 BC – The armies of Babylon destroyed Solomon’s Temple. Av 9 – AD 70 – The Romans destroyed the 2nd temple. Av 9 – AD 135 – The Final Defeat of Jews by Rome. Av 9 – AD 1095 – The 1st Crusade is launched, which kills thousands of Jews. Av 9 – AD 1290 – The Jews are expelled from England. Av 9 – AD 1492 – The Jews are expelled from Spain Av 9 – AD 1942 – The Jews were deported from the Warsaw ghetto to the death camps. Av 9 – AD 2005 – The expulsion of the Jews from Gaza began.
Hebrew Alphabet: TET |
The Hebrew letter TET has an image that resembles a womb – a month when earth contracts – the secret of pregnancy moves into the earth realm.
The ninth letter in the Hebrew alefbet (alphabet) is tet -ט. The letter tet – ט has the numerical value of nine. |
Hebrew Tribe: Simeon |
The name Simeon means to hear; be concerned. Simeon was Jacob’s second son by his first wife, Leah. When she saw that she had borne Jacob a second son, she said, “Because the Lord has heard that I am unloved, He has given me this son also.” | |||
Characteristics |
Av is a month that presents us with a CHOICE!
We Can Choose to RECEIVE a Curse! We Can Choose to BREAK a Curse! We Can Choose to BELIEVE God’s PROMISE! We Can Choose to ENTER God’s BLESSING! This month you will metamorphose or disintegrate. This the month the Lion roars. (Amos 3:8) The month where God destroys so He can reconstruct. Consider what you hear and determine how to develop a new level of discernment or oppose counsel and advice. Listen carefully! You will hear key impressions this month. |
Leo (the lion) The divine will of the Father being executed
References | External links
· Resources on the Month of Av |
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