8th Month Marcheshvan / Cheshvan Events

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The 8th month on the Biblical Calendar established by GOD is Marcheshvan also called Cheshvan.  Marcheshvan is the name of the month in Hebrew and in the various dialects of the language; it literally means, “eighth month.”  On today’s Gregorian calendar it falls between the months of October and November. The 8th month of Marcheshvan consists of 29 days (sometimes 30). (Wikipedia):

1 MARCHESHVAN-The Great Flood described in chapters 6,7, and 8 of the Book of Genesis began during the month of Cheshvan.

1 MARCHESHVAN  – Yeshua / Jesus sends out 35 pairs of disciples on assignment until Hannukah. See Luke 10: 1-24.  (Michael Rood’s Astronomically & Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar)

11 MARCHESHVAN – (circa 2105 BCE) Methuselah dies at age 969.

11 MARCHESHVAN – (circa 1553 BCE) Death of Rachel, wife of Jacob (Israel), while giving birth to Benjamin.

12 MARCHESHVAN – (1995) Assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

15 MARCHESHVAN – (165 BCE) Death of Mattityahu, who began the Maccabean revolt in the city of Modin.

16 MARCHESHVAN – (1938) Kristallnacht/Pogromnacht. 1,400 synagogues and numerous copies of the Tanakh are purposefully and systematically set on fire and allowed to burn in Nazi Germany.

17 MARCHESHVAN – (circa 960 BCE) The First Temple is completed by King Solomon; It was not inaugurated until the following year in the month of Tishrei.

17 MARCHESHVAN – The Great Flood began on the 17th of Cheshvan and ended the following year on the 27th of Cheshvan, lasting one year and 10 days. (A Time to Advance: Understanding the Significance of the Hebrew Tribes and Months by Chuck D. Pierce)

28 MARCHESHVAN – The  28th of Cheshvan, Noah brought his sacrifice to God, and God swore never again to destroy all mankind with a flood. He then revealed the sign of His covenant with the world—the rainbow. (A Time to Advance: Understanding the Significance of the Hebrew Tribes and Months by Chuck D. Pierce)



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