My Dream about American Statues

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American Statues Dream on February 10, 2020

Months before the mobs began to attack statues in the United States, GOD showed me  in a dream that statues would be displaced in some way and that it represented some type of danger!

In the dream, I  was in a garden and I saw the sign NASA ONE. As I turned I saw statues of various kinds that represented milestones and heroes in United States history. The lighting was somewhat dim, the statues were stored in the garden. Suddenly I noticed all the Black American  heroes had been piled up in a corner far in the back of the garden. I started yelling and talking to people, telling them that this is was wrong and racist! I asked, why did the Democrats put Black Heroes statues in the very back of the garden, all in one corner, piled on top of each other?

The dream shifted and I was talking to politicians. People joined my cause; then someone shouted, “Look Amelia they are moving the statues to the front!” I turned and saw the workers digging holes and planting these symbols in a circular plot  in the front of the garden. Among the statues was a large elephant, the image of a man and a big round sphere (a big round ball). They were all made of heavy stone. They were being  planted in a oval shaped plot of ground. The elephant seem larger than the other two statues. The elephant was light grey,  like the color of cement.

The dream shifted again to a press conference; I was standing on stage with a friend who is a local politician . I was wearing a red business style dress. He says to me, “We are on different sides of the aisle, Republican and Democrat but we are both still Black.” 

I began to tell the people, “Black people should not all be Democrats, don’t put all your eggs in one basket, we can’t afford that.”  We are Black, but not all the same, as different as the color shades of our skin, from very light to rich brown hues to very dark. And we have many voices and causes. Wherever there is common ground we should always work together. I woke up feeling like I had visited someplace very real in time.

What is the interpretation of the dream?

The statues across the United States represent all the hell America has been through as a nation of believers in one GOD. They are a constant reminder of what this nation has overcome as it continues to grow.  REMEMBER,  people who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it! America has been delivered from many evils and troubles and we should not pretend that GOD has not reshaped this country one generation at a time and that HE has used both Republicans and Democrats in the process.

The Elephant represents the Republican Party. The man statue represents mankind and round sphere represents the earth.  However one of my prayer partners saw it differently.   She says based on the order of the statues; the  “Man” would be placed onto the elephant’s back and the sphere (the earth) would be placed in the man’s hand.  We both agree that the image of the oval garden plot in the ground  is in the Oval Office, the White House.

I believe seeing myself in the red dress means I am far more conservative that I thought, and that I will begin to speak out for godly causes because of this changing world we are living in.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Cj little hawk

    Last comment, we have much common ground! I, too, am more conservative than I ever realized! I am committed to neither party, but rather to encourage whom-ever leads this nation to humbly take God’s Word to heart, to seek wise counsel from The LORD, to realize His eye is upon us, and that Divine judgment will come upon our nation & its citizens—both reward & chastisement.

    I pray we abide in the word from the Ancient of Days who sang His comforting & correcting Heart song thru me, “Everything’s going to be okay. And everything’s going to be alright. All We’ve got to do is put our hands together. Got to work together … I‘ve given all I have to give. I’m sending you My everything! I gave My Life! My Son for you! … I AM. I AM your Father”

    Then the Voice from behind me called,

    May we all turn around & respectfully cry out to the Almighty God; then work together to His Glory & our healing.

    Cj “little hawk”

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