Blow the Shofar Daily This Month!
GOD said " ... on the first day of the month (ELUL), you are to have a memorial of blowing of the shofar (ram’s horn), a holy convocation ... According…
GOD said " ... on the first day of the month (ELUL), you are to have a memorial of blowing of the shofar (ram’s horn), a holy convocation ... According…
This is the season that Moses sent the 12 scouts on a 40-day journey to investigate the land God promised the Israelites as an inheritance. The scouts were to bring…
This year Shavuot 2021 will begin in the evening of Sunday, May 16 and ends in the evening of Tuesday, May 18 based on most Hebrew calendars used today. On…
Iyyar is the second month on the Biblical Calendar and it contains almost half of the 50-day period called the Counting of the Omer. On today's calendar this roughly the…
After Yeshua/Jesus rose from the grave, the Bible tells us HE walked on the earth for 40 days. These miraculous appearances by the Resurrected Savior occurred during a 40-day period…
This year Passover was quiet and small. We are still behind closed doors like the Hebrews were for the original Passover in Egypt. However it felt special and we made…
Last year in 2020, believers all over the world were shut behind locked doors for Passover; and Easter the Christian version of this Holy Feast Day. Now in the very…
Based on the calendar GOD established with Moses the first month of the year is NISAN which is March-April on the calendar in the United States. that is today, March…
1 Nisan (circa 3761 BCE) – Creation of the Universe according to Rabbi Joshua's opinion in the Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 10b-11a). 1 Nisan (circa 1638 BCE) – Death of Abraham…
The Chronology of Jesus (Yeshua) Crucifixion & Resurrection Educational Reference Series The key to understanding the chronology of the events leading up to and including Yeshua /Jesus' crucifixion and…