7th Month Biblical Events in Tishrei

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Image by Karl-Michael Soemer from Pixabay

The the seventh month of the Biblical Calendar established by GOD is Tishrei.  However, it is the first month of the Jewish Civil  Calendar. The word    The name of the month “Tishrei” is Babylonian meaning “to begin”.  It is an autumn month of 30 days. Tishrei usually occurs in September–October on the Gregorian calendar. (Wikipedia) 

  • 1-2 Tishrei – The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2019 – Leviticus 23:24

Rosh HashanahRosh Hashanah, literally meaning “head [of] the year”, is the Jewish New Year. The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah, literally “day of shouting or blowing”.The command from GOD is to blow the shofar horn.  It is the first of the Jewish High Holy Days specified by Leviticus 23:23–32 that occurs in the early autumn of the Northern Hemisphere.

  • 10 Tishrei (circa 1313 BCE) – Moses returns from a final trip to Mount Sinai, bearing a second set of tablets and a message of forgiveness for the sin of the Golden Calf.
  • 10 Tishrei – Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) October 9, 2019 (Fast Day) – Leviticus 23:27
  • 15–21 Tishrei– The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) October 13-20, 2019 – Leviticus 23:34.
  • 16 Tishrei (1349 CE) – The Jewish population of Krems, Germany, was massacred in the Black Death riots.

NOTE: The Jewish calendar year begins in the 7th month, so the number of the Jewish year (i.e. 5780) changes in the month of Tishri.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Felishia Freddy

    We are from the Horeb biblical Hebrew school in India
    Love to hear from you

  2. Joseph Aldridge

    1 Tishrei – 15 Tishrei = 14. Could this be the ’14’ designated as the 14-generation separation between Abraham and David; David to (Je)Coniah, even to the carrying away to Babylon; and 14 generations to Jesus? All biblical numbers have meaning and mathematically seal the acts of God. I have found virtually every letter of the archaic Hebrew alphabet in the picture of Christ on the cross, even to the now-defunct 23rd letter GHAH which was absorbed into the letter Ayin (round ‘eye’). What little evidence there remains for the letter shows it looked like the DNA double-helix and was called “rope”. The Y chromosome (6th day of man is the 6th letter Vav or Waw, and pressed onto the Tav + and last letter of the alphabet (It is Finished”) shows the crucifixion. The Y is a male chromosome, and the X + is the female chromosome. !!! What a marvelous book this is, and there is no bottom to the depth of it !!! I am now teaching, (having finished the Tabernacle in the Wilderness teaching of the Christian Life) on Jesus from Berisheet to the Cross. Any help with “14” before I get to the Hail Mary pass which went down the sidelines in spite of the Conia/Babylon mess will be much appreciated. Rev Joe Aldridge

    1. Amelia

      The Bible clearly explains the 14 generations

  3. Anthony L Rakes

    Awesome to get back to the old ways and serve our Lord Hallelujah.

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