Don’t Look Down!

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I wanted to share a prayer that in many ways saved my life decades ago. I was in my twenties and in the middle of a devastating breakup with a boyfriend, grappling with fear and abandonment. I was living in the East Village of Manhattan. I was walking across town to the West village and struggling with overwhelming emotions – where would I go now? What would I do? I felt so deeply unloved, rejected, and frightened.

Now comes an interesting part of the story. I grew up Jewish in a pretty traditional Jewish household where nobody ever ever ever talked about Jesus Christ. I knew nothing about Jesus – if anything, it was just a very negative thing. Well, when I turned 18 years old I hitchhiked with a friend to California – a life changing trip – where I was introduced to Christ through a new age church in San Diego called The Teaching of the Inner Christ.  It was there I learned radical stuff- how to meditate and the deeper teachings of Christ.  I had a powerful experience there of Christ speaking through me – and ever since that moment – I had a personal, potent (and very private) relationship with Christ that included visions and conversations.  In fact, it wasn’t until I was in my late thirties that I came to understand that Jesus was actually Jewish and why SHOULDN’T I love Christ?!!!

Anyway, back to walking across town overwhelmed.  I prayed, asking for help with what was going on and suddenly heard a voice that said, “DON’T LOOK DOWN.  DON’T LOOK BACK.  PUT IT ALL IN FRONT OF YOU AND WALK RIGHT THROUGH IT.”  I instantly knew what that meant – put all my fears and feelings and grief and abandonment in the fire of transformation – and march through it, head up, eyes straight ahead.  So I did that, over and over and over and over as I walked from the East Village to the West Village.  By the time I arrived, I was a different person. I will never forget the power of that prayer – and the power of that transformative fire.

This story was submitted to by:

Marcia Zina Mager
International Author/Playwright/Writing Coach

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