Congrgation Beth Messiah
I am overjoyed and humbled to be able to share with you the insight and wisdom that I received from my Rabbi regarding my dream. Rabbi Philip Lanning is Associate Rabbi at Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, Texas. This is not something that happens every day, so I am extremely grateful for his time, encouragement and his impression from a spiritual perspective.
The Scriptures give many examples that Adonai does use dreams to prophetically forth-tell. I would encourage you to seek Adonai for His interpretation. Some of my personal rules for interpreting dreams is that the interpretation has to be in line with the Scriptures and it should bear witness in your heart and be tested/judged. When I read your dream I wrote the impressions that I had below in red, they are not a thus says the LORD, rather they are impressions that I felt and something you can pray through:
My dream on February 10, 2020 about American statues.
I was in a garden and I saw the sign NASA ONE. As I turned I saw statues of various kinds that represented milestones and heroes in United States History. NASA ONE is significant. I believe it is either a location or indicates that this is of heavenly origins. The garden is significant because it can represent a return to the ideal situation…or return to Adonai’s order….or a place of favor…Adonai’s glory…or this world/creation…or a place of honor and beauty.
Suddenly I noticed all the Black American heroes had been planted far in the back of the garden. I started yelling and talking to people, telling them that this was wrong and racist! I asked why did the Democrats put Black Heroes statues in the very back of the garden, all in one corner? A situation that needs to be fixed…something out of order….a monopolizing of Black Heroes for political gain or racism rather than Adonai’s glory.
The dream shifted and I was talking to politicians. People joined my cause; then someone shouted, “Look Amelia they are moving the statues to the front!” I turned and saw the workers digging holes and planting these symbols in a circle in the front of the garden. A divine authority and anointing, and influence that is on your life to influence others and a gift of connecting people especially people of influence. An ability that you have to connect with other people of influence to make things happen and to influence the masses. Possibly a call to politics.
The dream shifted back to the garden. Among the statues was a large elephant, the image of a man and a big round sphere -(a big round ball). Elephant may be a reference to the Republican party. Image of man may be a reference to government…institutions of mankind…history…etc. Round sphere may be global…or wholeness/completeness…or returning…recreating….
They were all made of heavy stone. The planting was in an oval shaped plot of ground. The elephant seemed larger than the other two statues and it was light grey like the color of cement. This is a weighty matter. Oval shape may refer to the oval office/presidency or cycle of time. Large size may indicate increased influence. Color may represent strength or historical value.
The dream shifted again to a press conference I was standing on stage with a friend who is a local politician. I was wearing a red business style dress. He says to me, “We are on different sides of the aisle, Republican and Democrat but we are both still Black.” A position of influence that you have or will be given. Red may indicate urgency and/or G-dly authority…not to be missed…or go unnoticed. Possibly a uniting of Black Americans for Divine purposes.
I began to tell the people, “Black people should not all be Democrats, don’t put all your eggs in one basket, we can’t afford that.” We are Black, but not all the same, as different as the color shades of our skin, from very light to rich brown hues to very dark. And we have many voices and causes. Wherever there is common ground we should always work together. Possibly a call to stop being confined or defined by one political party…a call to diversify in order to increase influence while remaining united by core values. E Pluribus Unum. A call to start working together to overcome real challenges….different expressions but a common faith (This part of the dream I don’t think you need interpreted it is most likely already in your heart).
I woke up feeling like I had visited someplace very real in time. I believe that this means that the dream is directly related to you….possibly something you will be involved in in the future…it appears to mean that this is something real and tangible…not just abstract and heavenly…but earthly and physical….not just a matter of prayer…but a matter of action (although prayer is an important part!)
I will be praying for you and William…you have many gifts and talents that I believe that Adonai still wants to use in your lives….it is not time to retire…or to hide out….there is much work to be done! Chazak Chazak V’nitchazeik!