ELUL Biblical Events of the 6th Month (August-September). Every day of Elul we blow the shofar and recite special Psalms.
- 1 Elul – Moses ascends Mount Sinai for third 40 day period (1313 BCE)
- 1 Elul– The Prophet Haggai commands that the rebuilding of the Second Temple continue (520 BCE)
- 5 Elul – Ezekiel the prophet has a prophecy of the destruction of Solomon’s Temple
- 10 Elul – Noah dispatches raven (2105 BCE)
- 17 Elul – Noah dispatches dove (2105 BCE)
- 23 Elul – Dove brings olive Leaf to Noah (2105 BCE)
- 25 Elul – The 1st day of the world according to the Genesis creation narrative (3761 BCE)
- 25 Elul – Jerusalem Walls Rebuilt (335 BCE)
- 27 Elul—Yeshua feeds the 5,000 (Matt.14:121;Mark 6:35-44.) from Rood Awakening, The Creator’s Calendar https://aroodawakening.tv/biblical-hebrew-calendar/
Source: Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elul
A Rood Awakening International: Elul 2019 is the 6th Month (be sure to scroll down)