12th Month Biblical Events in Adar

  • 1 Adar (circa 1313 BCE) – Plague of Darkness, the ninth plague upon the Egyptians (Exodus 10:23). This started on the 1st of Adar, six weeks before the Exodus.[citation needed]
  • 2 Adar(598 BCE) – Jerusalem falls to Nebuchadnezzar and Jeconiah is captured.[2]
  • 3 Adar(515 BCE) – Second Temple completed
  • 5 Adar(1st century CE) – Lulianos and Paphos voluntarily gave themselves up to be killed, in order to save innocent Jewish lives in Laodicea.[3]
  • 7 Adar(1393 BCE) – Birth of Moses
  • 7 Adar(1273 BCE) – Death of MosesMoses passed away on Adar 7, so Jewish tradition teaches that he spent the month of Shevat to give his last instructions and warnings to the people. He also is said to have translated the Torah into seventy languages during Shevat. https://ffoz.org
  • 13 Adar(474BCE) – War between Jews and their enemies in Persia (Book of Esther, chapter 9).
  • 13 Adar(161 BCE) – Yom Nicanor – The Maccabees defeated Syrian general Nicanor, in a battle fought four years after the Maccabees’ liberation of the Holy Land and the miracle of Hanukkah.
  • 14 Adar (474 BCE) – Purim victory celebrated in the Persian Empire
  • 14 Adar (149 BCE) Yeshua raises Lazarus from the grave.  https://aroodawakening.tv/wp-content/uploads/12th-month-1.pdf
  • 15 Adar (474 BCE) – Purim Victory Celebrated in Shushan
  • 15 Adar (1st century CE) – Jerusalem Gate Day – King Agrippa I (circa 21 CE) began construction of a gate for the wall of Jerusalem; the day used to be celebrated as a holiday.
  • 25 Adar (561 BCE) – Death of Nebuchadnezzar(Jeremiah 52:31).
  • 28 Adar (from the 2nd century onwards) – Talmudic holiday to commemorate the rescinding of a Roman decree against Torah study, ritual circumcision, and keeping the Shabbat. The decree was revoked through the efforts of Rabbi Yehudah ben Shamu’a and his colleagues. (Megillat Taanit, a baraitaon this matter can still be found in Ta’anit 18a and Rosh Hashanah 19a)
  • 28 Adar (1524) – the Jews of Cairo were saved from the plot of Ahmad Pasha, who sought revenge against the Jewish minister Abraham de Castrowho had informed Selim II of Ahmad’s plan to cede from the Ottoman Empire. To this day, Adar 28th is considered the Purim of Cairo, with festivities including a special Megilah

SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adar

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