My Birthday God’s Vision

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This is my birth month, the 8th month on the biblical calendar – Cheshvan (November). On my birthday, I always pause to access where I am on this road of life. I thank God for granting me another year and seek His direction as I begin a brand-new year. Cheshvan is associated with the Hebrew letter NUN, which symbolizes the Messiah. So, Cheshvan is called the month of Messiah, it is the month the Jewish people expect the messiah to come or return to earth.

On my birthday, I asked myself, “Why did God bring me into the world at this time; during the month of the Messiah? How am I tied to God’s plan for the world?”  I believe we are all here on this earth to live out God’s plan. We each have a role to play in the redemption of the earth.

I feel extremely blessed that God has shown me a vision for my life; at least the next assignment that I need to complete. HIS vision for my life has transitioned me from employment to retirement. It has moved me from Iowa to Texas and given me more time each day to work on HIS plan instead of being all consumed with the daily busy issues of life.

So, you are probably asking, what is the Vision? It is based in information technology and communications which is exactly what my professional career has been about for the past 30+ years. I cannot go into great deal at this time because I am applying for exclusive rights to the design. For as long as I can remember, I have been a writer and I am old enough to remember the first computer and the world-wide-web before it was renamed the Internet. I was exposed to both technologies during their early stages of development. So, along the way, God was preparing me with the tools I would need for the vision 30 years in advance.

My assignment, like all assignments from God is tied to bringing His truth into the world and into every aspect of our lives.  HIS will is being done in numerous ways, in every technology in every language and on every corner of the earth. Yet still, people are trapped in darkness and even a greater number don’t even realize they have been separated from the Heavenly Father.

The prophetic leaders of the Messianic faith have a lot to say about the 8th month on the biblical calendar -Cheshvan (November). The Vision Poster above by Debi Cloud reveals many of the characteristics of the Cheshvan.  I wonder how many believers know there is insight to guide us every month from GOD the creator of time – days, months, years, seasons and cycles.

“Cheshvan is a month reserved for the anointing in which God pulls you aside to draw a new anointing out of you. This can be an easy month or a hard month because He must press the anointing out of you. Cry out for the anointing to get pressed out of you.” A Time to Advance: Understanding the Significance of the Hebrew Tribes and Months by Chuck D. Pierce.

My birthday scripture for the month of November is Jeremiah 29:11, Complete Jewish Bible (CJB):

11 For I know what plans I have in mind for you,’ says Adonai, ‘plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future.

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