Part 2: Jesus Fulfills It All at Passover

Appointed Times Point to Yeshua /Jesus

**Dates are approximate and the day starts at sundown


Yeshua Crucified & Buried

Nissan 14

April 8, 2020

John 19: 14-16
Mark 14:12-16 (CJB)

The prophetic symbolism of the first Passover is fulfilled. This is the evening the Passover lambs were slaughtered, and their blood placed on the doorpost so the death angel would pass over them.
    God chose this same Appointed Time to demonstrate the prophetic fulfillment of Passover. Yeshua/Jesus, the Lamb of God was crucified on the cross. His blood that was shed on that cross covers us and protects all of mankind from permanent death and separation from GOD the Father.
(John 19: 14-16 )14 it was about noon on Preparation Day for Pesach. He said to the Judeans, “Here’s your king!” 15 They shouted, “Take him away! Take him away! Put him to death on the stake!” Pilate said to them, “You want me to execute your king on a stake?” The head Cohanim answered, “We have no king but the Emperor.” 16 Then Pilate handed Yeshua over to them to have him put to death on the stake.   The night before Yeshua had eaten His last Passover Sedar meal with the disciples. See Mark 14:12-16 (CJB)

Unleavened Bread

Yeshua in Tomb

Nisan 15-21

April 9 -15, 2020

1 Corinthians 5:7 (CJB)

The 15th of Nisan is the first Holy Day of the seven-day Festival of Unleavened Bread. No bread or products containing leaven are eaten for 7 days. The leaven (yeast) symbolizes sin. It began at sunset on the 14th. 

   The crucified Messiah Yeshua is already in the garden tomb being guarded and secured with a stone. The disciples are behind locked doors hiding in fear fasting from leavened bread and praying.

 7 Get rid of the old hametz, (leaven) so that you can be a new batch of dough, because in reality, you are unleavened. For our Pesach lamb, the Messiah, has been sacrificed.

   The Feast of Unleavened Bread is an annual reminder to remove the sins from our lives and to remember God’s miraculous gifts of deliverance.


Feast of First Fruits

Yeshua Rises on 3rd Day

Nisan 16

April 10, 2020

1 Corinthians 15:20/ John 20:16-18/ Matthew 27:51

On the third day Yeshua /Jesus arose from the garden tomb, literally, the third day of the Passover season, Nisan 16. The resurrection of Yeshua/ Jesus is the guarantee and the beginning of the (firstfruits) of the final harvest.
Corinthians 15:20:       20 But the fact is that the Messiah has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have died!
Matthew 27:51-53:  At that moment the parokhet in the Temple was ripped in two from top to bottom; and there was an earthquake, with rocks splitting apart.52 Also the graves were opened, and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life;53 and after Yeshua rose, they came out of the graves and went into the holy city, where many people saw them.
John 20:16 -18 :  16 Yeshua said to her, “Miryam!” Turning, she cried out to him in Hebrew, “Rabbani!” (that is, “Teacher!”) 17 “Stop holding onto me,” Yeshua said to her, “because I haven’t yet gone back to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them that I am going back to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God. 18 Miryam of Magdala went to the talmidim with the news that she had seen the Lord and that he had told her this.

Counting of the Omer

Risen Messiah Walks Earth for 40 Days

Nisan 16

April 10, 2020

Acts 1:3 (CJB)

This period of 49 days also called the Feast of Weeks/ Shavuot /Pentecost, is often overlooked by today’s believers in synagogues and churches alike. It was during this time that the risen Messiah walked on the earth and taught about the Kingdom of God. WOW! How can anyone miss that? The Counting of the Omer aka Feast of Weeks and in Hebrew Shavuot concludes on the 50th day as Pentecost (Greek for 50th)
Acts 1:3 (CJB 3 After his death he showed himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. During a period of 40 days they saw him (Yeshua), and he spoke with them about the Kingdom of God.
God takes this same Appointed Time period to the next level; giving to mankind the risen Messiah for 40 days! Allowing the disciples and many witnesses to experience the glory of God in a whole new way!
The high point and pinnacle of these Holy Days is the 50th day which marks the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Yeshua /Jesus while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1–31).

God Establishes HIS Appointed Times


Leviticus 23:5-8

Leviticus 23:5 (CJB) 5 “‘In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between sundown and complete darkness, comes Pesach for Adonai.

Passover commemorates the miraculous deliverance of God’s Chosen people from bondage in Egypt. The LORD demonstrates HIS complete sovereignty over all the earth as HE sends 10 plagues upon Egypt to force the pharaoh to free the Hebrews.

The night of the 10th plague; God commands His people to kill a young lamb and sprinkle its blood on the doorposts of their houses in Egypt. When God sent the tenth plague, “the death of the firstborn” the angel of death “passed over” the homes of Israelites but killed the Egyptian firstborn.


Unleavened Bread

Leviticus 23:6-14

6 On the fifteenth day of the same month is the festival of matzah; for seven days you are to eat matzah. 9 Adonai said to Moshe ,10 “Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘After you enter the land I am giving you and harvest its ripe crops, you are to bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the cohen.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a seven-day festival during which leaven (yeast) which causes bread to rise when baking is put out of dwellings and no food containing leaven is eaten.
Leaven symbolizes sin in lives of believers. During the hasty exodus from Egypt, the Hebrews did not have time for the bread to rise. So, this feast is a reminder of their deliverance when they ate unleavened bread during their escape from bondage.


Feast of First Fruits

Deuteronomy 26: 1-10

1 When you have come to the land Adonai your God is giving you as your inheritance, taken possession of it and settled there; 2 you are to take the firstfruits of all the crops the ground yields, which you will harvest from your land that Adonai your God is giving you, put them in a basket and go to the place where Adonai your God will choose to have his name live.

Feast of First Fruits marks the beginning of the wheat harvest (grain season) in Israel. God requires His Chosen people to bring an offering of thanksgiving.

The early believers saw the Feast of First Fruits as a day to remember the Lord is our Provider. They gave a first fruits offering; a portion of wheat, which was their provision of food and income.

Counting of the Omer

Leviticus 23:15-16

The Counting of the Omer also begins on Nisan 16 at sundown which marks the beginning of the 49-day (seven weeks) countdown – counting of each  days between the Passover and Shavuot or the Feast of Weeks. Christians call the 50th day “Pentecost which is the Greek word for 50th.

This period of verbally counting these days is commanded by God in  Leviticus 23:15-16 “count fifty days; and then you are to present a new grain offering to Adonai”.

15 “‘From the day after the day of rest — that is, from the day you bring the sheaf for waving — you are to count seven full weeks, 16 until the day after the seventh week; you are to count fifty days; and then you are to present a new grain offering to Adonai


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