Prayer for this Month, ELUL (Aug-Sep)

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Man blowing the Shofar (horn)

PRAY Psalm 27 by David

During Elul we prepare our hearts for the High Holy Days of next month, Tishri

(1) Adonai is my light and salvation; whom do I need to fear? Adonai is the stronghold of my life; of whom should I be afraid? (2) When evildoers assailed me to devour my flesh, my adversaries and foes, they stumbled and fell.(3) If an army encamps against me, my heart will not fear; if war breaks out against me, even then I will keep trusting.(4) Just one thing have I asked of Adonai; only this will I seek: to live in the house of Adonai all the days of my life, to see the beauty of Adonai and visit in his temple.(5) For he will conceal me in his shelter on the day of trouble, he will hide me in the folds of his tent, he will set me high on a rock. (6) Then my head will be lifted up above my surrounding foes, and I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, sing praises to Adonai.

(7) Listen, Adonai, to my voice when I cry; show favor to me; and answer me.   (8) “My heart said of you, ‘Seek my face.’ Your face, Adonai, I will seek. (9) Do not hide your face from me, don’t turn your servant away in anger. You are my help; don’t abandon me; don’t leave me, God my savior. (10) Even though my father and mother have left me, Adonai will care for me. (11) Teach me your way, Adonai; lead me on a level path because of my enemies (12) don’t give me up to the whims of my foes; for false witnesses have risen against me, also those who are breathing violence. (13) If I hadn’t believed that I would see Adonai’s goodness in the land of the living, . . .
(14) Put your hope in Adonai, be strong, and let your heart take courage! Yes, put your hope in Adonai!

The Jewish people have an interesting phrase to describe this month. They say, “Elul is the month when “the King is in the field,” all can approach Him, and He shines His countenance upon everyone. As you begin to understand the meaning of this phrase, you will see how God wants to relate to you during these days. Through most of the year, a king lived in a palace, protected by armed guards and iron gates. To have an audience with a king you had to make an appointment, learn palace protocol, and dress appropriately. But in Elul the King  is even more accessible.

     Elul is a picture of the earthly ministry of Jesus / Yeshua. John 1:14 NIV describes Jesus’ coming this way: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” The word “dwelling” is actually the word for “tent” or “tabernacle.” Yeshua /Jesus, the King of the Universe left His palace and came to tabernacle among us. He lived here in our field, in a tent of mortal flesh. For 33 years, the King was in the field on earth.

For more information on Elul go to the search box  at the top of this page and type in “Elul” for more posts on this topic.


On the Biblical Calendar the 6th month of the year is ELUL, counting from Nisan as the first month. Elul usually occurs in August–September on the Gregorian calendar.  
     During the month of Elul, there are a number of special rituals leading up to the High Holy Days (Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles). It is customary to blow the shofar (ram’s horn or trumpet) every morning (except on Shabbat) from the first day of the month of Elul until the day before the Feast of Trumpets. The blasts are meant to awaken one’s spirit and inspire you to begin the soul searching which will prepare you for the High Holy Days.

As part of this preparation, Elul is the time to begin the sometimes difficult process of granting and asking for forgiveness. It is also customary in Judaism to recite Psalm 27 every day during Elul.