Sept. 14, 2023-Yeshua (Jesus) Feeds 5,000

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Miracle of Yeshua (Jesus) feeding 5000

September 14, 2023 (28TH day of Elul) is the day that Yeshua fed the 5,000 men plus women and children in a rural area outside Beit Salda

     The most amazing thing about studying the Biblical Calendar is the discovering how connected Yeshua is to the biblical months and Appointed Times (Holy Days). The biblical feast are like a roadmap to prophecy and deeper understanding of God’s Word.
     September 14, 2023 (28TH day of Elul) is the day that Yeshua fed the 5,000 men plus women and children in a rural area outside Beit Salda. ELUL is the 6th Biblical Month on GOD’s calendar and it occurrs in mid-August to mid-September on our calendar in the US.

HOW COULD I POSSIBLY KNOW THAT? I got this amazing fact from astronomical biblical calendar from Rood Awakening International. I have been following this messianic ministry for a few years now. A Rood Awakening! International is a non-profit ministry dedicated to restoring the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith. “The Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Calendar is a one-of-a-kind calendar that uses data from NASA to pinpoint-accurate biblical history to calculate time the way Yeshua did — according to YeHoVaH’s original reckoning of time… not a man-made system!”
     Almost every civilization since Moses has had its own unique calendar and holidays. But GOD established HIS calendar with the Hebrews when HE brought them out of Egypt in the book of Exodus.
Exodus 12:1-2: ADONAI spoke to Moshe and Aharon in the land of Egypt; He said, “You are to begin your calendar with this month; it will be the first month of the year for you.
     Rood Awakening has gone back to this original reckoning of time with a sharp focus on the ministry of Yeshua (Jesus). GOD gave us more than instructions in the scriptures. HE gave us a lunar calendar, a solar clock, and Appointed Times (Holy Days) all centered around building a close relationship with our Heavenly Father.
     I discovered this ministry after going to GOD in prayer asking; “Why do we as Christians and followers of Yeshua (Jesus) have so little information the dates of the major events of our Messiah’s Ministry?” I knew GOD left us an instruction manual, our Bible – Old and New Covenants. I discovered that changing of our cultural calendars, including the Jewish calendar had really thrown off my studies of HIS Word. Submerging myself in GOD’s timeline has caused a mind shift that engulfs me, taking my eyes off the worldly concerns and focusing on the heavenly perspectives of life. All believers should pay attention to GOD’s timing!
      So now on this important date: September 14, 2023 (28TH day of Elul); I will take time to reflect on one of the most important events of Yeshua (Jesus)’s ministry. The feeding of the 5,000 is probably the only miracle Yeshua (Jesus) performed that is recorded in all four Gospel records – (Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:31–44; Luke 9:12–17; and John 6:1–14).
     According to Rood Awakening, this biblical event has become the most significant marker they have to work with to accurately determine every other event in the Gospels, both before and after. I can’t wait for new details to mark on my daily planner. I close this post with this excerpt about this event from a September 2023 article from the Rood Review Newsletter:
“To say the timing of this miracle doesn’t matter not only devalues the divine orchestration of every moment in Yeshua’s ministry, it renders one willfully ignorant of what the feeding of the 5,000 was all about. These people were preparing to commemorate the Almighty’s provision for their ancestors in the Sinai wilderness, where he fed them with manna, the “bread from heaven” (Psalm 78:24). It was the perfect time to feed them again in like manner. Those present — who were paying attention — would recognize the timing of the miracle and from whom it came: Yeshua, the embodiment of “bread from heaven” (John 6:32).”

The feeding of the 5,000 is probably the only miracle Yeshua (Jesus) performed that is recorded in all four Gospel records – (Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:31–44; Luke 9:12–17; and John 6:1–14).

ELUL - 6th Month


  Every day of Elul we blow the shofar and recite special Psalms.

1 Elul – Moses ascends Mount Sinai for third 40 day period (1313 BCE)1 Elul– The Prophet Haggai commands that the rebuilding of the Second Temple continue (520 BCE).                 3 Elul  Yeshua (Jesus) sends out the twelve.
5 Elul – Ezekiel the prophet has a prophecy of the destruction of Solomon’s Temple
10 Elul – Noah dispatches raven (2105 BCE)
17 Elul – Noah dispatches dove (2105 BCE)
23 Elul – Dove brings olive Leaf to Noah (2105 BCE)
25 Elul – The 1st day of the world according to the Genesis creation narrative (3761 BCE)
25 Elul – Jerusalem Walls Rebuilt (335 BCE)
Elul 28Yeshua feeds the 5,000 (Matt.14:121;Mark 6:35-44.) from Rood Awakening, The Creator’s Calendar