Tishrei is the month of the “fall feasts,” when we are to return to God and experience His Glory. |
Position in the Year | Biblical Name | Babylonian Name |
Today’s Calendar |
Seventh |
7th Month | Tishrei |
September – October |
On the Biblical Calendar the 7th month of the year is Tishrei , counting from Nisan as the first month. The name of the month is Babylonian. It is an autumn month of 30 days. Tishrei usually occurs in September–October on the Gregorian calendar. The month of Tishrei begins the autumn season on the Biblical Calendar. The autumn season has three months—Tishrei, Cheshvan and Kislev which correspond to the three tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, Benjamin; which were situated to the west of the Tabernacle.
In the Bible the 7th month is referred to as the month of Ethanim or Etanim in 1 Kings 8:2-3 in the Complete Jewish Bible it says: .2 All the men of Isra’el assembled before King Shlomo (King Solomon) at the festival in the month of Etanim, the seventh month. 3 All the leaders of Isra’el came. After the exile, the Jews began to refer to the seventh month by its Babylonian name Tishri, but this name does not occur in the Bible. |
Characteristics of the Month are from the book, Time to Advance by Chuck D. Pierce: https://store.gloryofzion.org/products/a-time-to-advance | ||||||
Tishrei – 7th month (30 days) September- October
Tishrei is the month of reflected light, which is different than what we see in April when we have the light of the sun. This is the light of the moon; which changes our environment, the way we process time, the way we work, the way crops grow, and the way we harvest.
In the Bible, Tishrei is “the month of the strong” or “the month of the ancients” and the month of completion and perfection. As the seventh month, Tishrei, more than any other month of the year, is a month of God’s Appointed Times. God wants us to recognize His redemptive plan for each month. This is not fortunetelling. The heavens declare the redemptive plan of God, and we need to walk this plan out in the earth realm. The Word of God is on a circuit and circles the earth. Psalm 19:6 talks about this. The heavens declare the glory of God and the Word circles the earth (the sun makes a circuit) until we begin to pull the Word down and see the manifestation in our midst. |
God’s Appointed Times The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2019 – Leviticus 23:24
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) October 9, 2019 (Fast Day) – Leviticus 23:27
The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) October 13-20, 2019 – Leviticus 23:34 |
This is the month of the “Fall Feasts” – Returning to God and experiencing His Glory. The month linked with awakening and removing that which would keep you from returning to the Father.
The Feast of Trumpets for us today is a dress rehearsal of the day Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) returns to rule the earth and set up His Kingdom. The Feast of Trumpets carries strong prophetic overtones; the blowing of the shofar announces GOD’s manifest presence.
The Day of Atonement is all about the blood of Yeshua that provided “One Sacrifice for All Time.” His blood cleanses us from all sin, now and forever. It paid the price and provided for our salvation. The Feast of Tabernacles or Festival of Sukkot is the final of seven annual appointed Feasts of the LORD established by GOD. The feast emphasizes thanksgiving for God’s provision, celebration, a command to rejoice and to spend time in a temporary dwelling. This feast is an everlasting reminder that GOD is our provider; now and in the future. |
Hebrew Alphabet: LAMED |
Tishrei is associated with the Hebrew letter, LAMED – which signifies the aspiration to return to your absolute source. “Teshuvah.” During this month, decree that the things that have been scattered will be returned to you.
LAMED is the twelfth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and has the numerical value of 30. It states in Ethics of Our Fathers: “When one reaches the age of thirty, he reaches the age of full strength.”4 We find in the Torah that when the Jewish people were in the desert, the Levites who carried the heavy vessels had to be between the ages of thirty to fifty, for these are the mightiest years of man. https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/137084/jewish/Lamed.htm. |
Hebrew Tribe Ephraim ![]() |
Ephraim was the second son of Joseph, but the blessing of the firstborn was pronounced on him by Jacob. His name means, “double fruit.” When he was born his father Joseph said, “God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction.”
Jacob’s Blessing – Gen. 48:19-20: “… However, his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations. And he blessed them that day, saying, ‘By you Israel shall pronounce blessing, saying, ‘May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh!’ Thus he put Ephraim before Manasseh. |
Characteristics |
The 7th month and all sevens are important: they represent “completion, fullness” The month to “touch” Matthew 9 tells the story of the woman who pressed through the crowd to touch the hem of Yeshua / Jesus’ garment. Tishrei is the month to “press through to touch HIM!” This is a month where you can press through to actually feel the presence of God. You can touch Him in such a way that He releases virtue into you.
Tishrei is the month of well-balanced control…. there is so much going on. All of the spiritual activity of the seventh month is amazing. Things are completing and things are beginning. |
Constellation Libra |
Tishrei is associated with the constellation Libra (the scales) which pictures the deeds of man weighed and judgment released. This is a month to concentrate more on the justice system than you do in other months. | |||||
Color/Stone Black Onyx
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Onyx is the tribal stone on the Jewish High Priest Breastplate that represents the Tribe Ephraim which is the same stone used for his father as the Tribe of Joseph.
12 Tribes of Israel Gems
According to Complete Jewish Bible description of the breastplate of the High Priest in Exodus 28:17 -21 “17 Put on it settings of stones, four rows of stones: the first row is to be a carnelian, a topaz and an emerald; 18 the second row a green feldspar, a sapphire and a diamond; 19 the third row an orange zircon, an agate and an amethyst; 20 and the fourth row a beryl, an onyx and a jasper. They are to be mounted in their gold settings. 21 The stones will correspond to the names of the twelve sons of Isra’el; they are to be engraved with their names as a seal would be engraved, to represent the twelve tribes. |