The 7th month of Tishrei Vision Poster is by Debi Cloud, The Cloud Company. Visit her website to buy this poster at https://www.thecloudcompany.store/product-page/hebraic-month-calendar-5779-2018-2019
The 7th month of Tishrei Vision Poster is by Debi Cloud, The Cloud Company. Visit her website to buy this poster at https://www.thecloudcompany.store/product-page/hebraic-month-calendar-5779-2018-2019
When you say the “head of the year” what do you mean? I find that this has caused a lot of confusion because God told the Israelites that Abib was the head of the year in Exodus 12:2. So Rosh Hashanah is really Nisan/ Abib 1 according to God’s Word and Tishei 1 is Yom Teruah.
Now I am learning. I am not studied as you are in this information. So I am seeking understanding because from 2003 up until this past week I had thought that Rosh Hashanah was Tishei 1 also. But in 2019 during the course of some deep studies I began to question how is it the New Year when God called Abib the first month of the year. I asked ABBA this in pray, and it was this year that I received what I wrote above about Yom Teruah. So now to find your posts, which I consider a blessing, I am confused as to why you would place Rosh Hashanah in Tishrei.
Again, I am not challenging this. I am asking for clarity please as I am studying and the Holy Spirit is leading me to see these things now. So I am like a baby, a sponge, learning and asking questions.
Thank you in advance for considering my post to answer me is the Holy Spirit so leads you.
God tells us that Nisan (Abib) is the First Month of the year. It is Month #1 out of 12 months. So our new year begins in the spring time just before Passover. The Rosh Hashanah was established by the rabbis and it is tradition or man-made. I have not placed Rosh Hashanah in Tishrei, the Jewish culture after the destruction of the Temple, made this decision. I recommend you read the book “The Feast of the Lord” by Kevin Howard and Marvin Rosenthal. Religious leaders have taken it upon themselves to make changes to GOD’s original calendar. Thank you for your question. I pray the Holy Spirit will guide you as you seek God’s truth!