I love this 7-day Bible Study Plan on Divine Dreams from GOD. It explains how to recognize a dream from GOD and how to pursue that dream. This is from the YouVersion Bible App which is free to use. Here is a link https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/26601-dare-to-dream. I highly recommend it!
I am blessed to have experienced dreams from God throughout my life. My mother, a devote believer, taught how to recognize, and value words from God, spoken to me in my dreams. I used to call the dreams “Deja vu”; but mother corrected me and said, “It is God showed you.” Many of my dreams I have seen come. The more recent dreams, I am waiting to see fulfilled. I was feeling frustrated about the delayed promise from a recent dream and this Bible study, “Dare To Dream” by Pastor Matt Hagee has help me understanding the frustration I am feeling and what to do about it.
I am sharing this with you because it is important, especially in the times we are living in, to recognize when FATHER GOD is talking to you and what actions you need to take! This bible study clearly defines what is a dream from GOD. Here is a powerful excerpt:
A divine dream is a glimpse of what God has in your future. A divine dream will never contradict the written Word of God. Not for any reason should you ever allow anyone, anything, or any dream to cause you to violate the Word of God. Divine dreams do not contradict His Word—they prove His Word.
You will be the main character in a divine dream. Others may be in the dream, but they are not the focus of it. This is important to note because sometimes, as we share our dream with others, we get discouraged when they don’t feel the same way about the dream as we do. That’s because the dream doesn’t belong to them. They weren’t the ones entrusted with it. The dream is yours to pray about, struggle with, endure and, in time, enjoy.
I have had dreams from GOD as early as age 12. I still to this day remember those childhood dreams as clearly as day. My divine dream experiences are always in color. I can always feel the emotion of every action in the dream. I have a full sense of touch, smell, and taste, as if I was wide awake.
As I have matured in faith, I’ve learned the importance of writing down dreams. In the 1990’s when I was growing in wisdom, faith, and knowledge; and spending more time in the Bible daily; the dreams became more powerful. In one dream GOD told me to get up and write it down. The dream was a message for my congregation, that evolved into a Passover presentation. I heard the Holy Spirit in a clear voice, telling me to get up and write it down. My dumb human response was, “Lord, it is 3 o’clock in the morning, I will do it tomorrow.” But God wasn’t hearing that from me. The Spirit spoke again and said, “You are not scribing on stone in a dark cave, I have given you a new computer in your basement! Get up and write it down!” I woke up with my heart pounding in my chest and feeling a bit frightened. I went directly to the basement to my new computer and started writing.
Some of my dreams were fulfilled in a few weeks. For example, I found a house we wanted to buy, the seller accepted our offer but later sold it to a higher bidder without warning. I wept in my prayers for days about the missed offer on the house. God gave me a very detailed dream about a new house. I wrote everything down and prayed away my disappointment on losing the other house. Just weeks later we closed on this newer home which matched the exact description God had showed me in my dream. It was a much better house, and it was my dream home!
I’ve had other dreams that took months, even a year or two to fulfill. These dreams seem to always be a major turning point in my life. Because God had given me a glimpse into the future, I knew what choice to make when I was at a crossroads in my life.
I am presently in a holding pattern for a big, big dream that was given to me some years ago. I am asking God to speak to me about this vision and to show me the steps I need to take to make this dream a reality. If God is speaking to you in dreams or vision, this bible study is for you.