10th Month Tevet: What time is it on God’s Clock?

10th Month is TEVET /(December-January)

Tevet Poster by Debi Cloud at the Cloud Company.

On man’s calendar this is January 2019 the 1st month of the Gregorian calendar BUT

on GOD’s calendar this is the 10th month of the Biblical calendar


         This time of year, we are celebrating the beginning of a new year on the secular calendar which is the Gregorian calendar.  Most of the people in the world live by this calendar created by a catholic pope in the year 1582.
Calendars created by various civilizations have certainly changed over time, just as societies and moral values and have morphed into different cultures in past generations.  For the most part it seems people don’t question how or why calendars change, even though they are the guidepost of our daily lives.  Most people don’t even think about why we have the calendar that we live by or who created it.  Like sheep we just follow the flock.

        But as believers in the Almighty GOD (Adonai ) and HIS son, Yeshua the Messiah, aka Jesus the Christ; we should know that GOD created time, and the first counting of time and HE gave mankind a calendar to follow.  I am no expert, but I found about 57 references in the Bible to the first month.  Sorry there is no month of January in the holy scriptures.  And the most well-known reference to the first month is when Moses brought the Hebrew people out of bondage in Egypt. We know this time as Passover and in the world of Christendom we know it as Easter.

Exodus: 12 Adonai spoke to Moshe and Aharon in the land of Egypt; he said, “You are to begin your calendar with this month; it will be the first month of the year for you[1]

We also know that in this “first month” (also known as  Nisan),  God commanded HIS people to celebrate the Passover Feast in the biblical scriptures. A celebration
of their deliverance which occurs in the spring time around March and April on the Gregorian calendar.  This also the time that we celebrate Yeshua’s death and resurrection, as the Passover Lamb who takes away the sins of the world.

 The Hebrews exodus from Egypt set them on a course for new life in the spring time when the earth is giving birth to new cycle life, nature begins awakening from a dormant winter sleep.  The Hebrew were freed from slavery in Egypt and its pagan gods and pagan customs.

Believers in Yeshua were freed from the bondage of sin by shed blood of the Messiah.

  By the way, those pagan calendars carried the names of pagan gods.  Moses took the Hebrews out into dessert where they could worship ADONAI freely. But I believe the greater challenge was getting the pagan customs out the people of GOD.

 Among the first things GOD establish with HIS people was HIS TIME schedule “it will be the first month of the year for you”. It seems abundantly clear GOD’s people are set on a new or perhaps the original time system.

Throughout the scriptures, GOD clearly establishes time for mankind, records events with HIS dates and times and makes it pretty easy to follow.  There must be good reasons for all creation to stay in sync with HIS order of time.

Genesis 1:1 In
the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was unformed and void, darkness was on the face of the deep, and the
Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. So there was evening, and there was morning, one day (first day).


GOD’s calendar has been in the sky since the beginning of creation, the sun counting the hours of the day and the moon gives us 12 lunar months and the constellations that we see in spring, summer, fall, and winters can only be seen during certain seasons.[3]

So why live by a Biblical calendar? For me, I now see life through a spiritual lens, knowing each day GOD not only thinks about me but HE mapped out a plan for my daily living.  I am no longer focused on the worldview;  checking my calendar on my cell phone every 10 minutes to figure out what I need to do next. I have been studying the Biblical calendar and discovered that every day God has something to speak into our lives.

In my next post we will dig deeper into the monthly guidance and insight available to us when we live by GOD’s Time. Check out the resources in the sidebar.

[1] Stern,
D. H. (1998). Complete
Jewish Bible: an English version of the Tanakh (Old Testament) and B’rit
Hadashah (New Testament)
(1st ed., Ex 12).
Clarksville, MD: Jewish New Testament Publications.

[2] Stern,
D. H. (1998). Complete Jewish Bible: an English version of the Tanakh (Old
Testament) and B’rit Hadashah (New Testament)
ed., Ge 1). Clarksville, MD: Jewish New Testament Publications.

Constellations – Windows to the Universe


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