11th Month is Shevat (January-February) Post

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Study to Show Thyself Approved

My journey into living by God’s Time began more than 30 years ago. I had reached a crossroad of faith and found myself crying out to GOD to show me the TRUTH.  I was sick to my stomach of all the different denomination teachings where leaders picked and chose what they wanted to teach. I was disappointed with the doctrines of men and social organizations disguised as churches.  Although I saw a church building on every street corner, the streets were full of crime and sin in every shape and form.  The irony of it all drove me to seek God with all my heart for HIS original version of the TRUTH!

The scripture that came to mind for me was, 2 Timothy 2:15 King James Version (KJV)

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

This same verse in the Complete Jewish Bible it is translated from Hebrew as: 15 Do all you can to present yourself to God as someone worthy of his approval, as a worker with no need to be ashamed, because he deals straightforwardly with the Word of the Truth[1]

I was ashamed because I am educated, I was raised in the church, but still did not know the real truth of God’s Word. I knew what the preacher said but I felt the need to research and study for myself.  Especially after discovering the preacher was poorly educated and not very knowledgeable of God’s original Word.

In last 30 years, I have continued to pray constantly for God to show me more of His original scriptures, the “real truth” versus  the hundreds of new translations and I asked for Him to guide me on my walk of faith. My bible of choice these days is the Complete Jewish Bible Translation by David H. Stern which contains both the Old and New Testaments along with alot others details that I had not read before. I have studied a ton of books on faith and the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith. I will not bore you with all the titles, but my first and most profound discovery was God’s Holy’s Day which are based in the Biblical Calendar.  They are essentially, personal appointments that we have with God every year. HE commands us to come before HIM and celebrate HIS goodness. WOW! This is more important that an appointment with the President of the United States. And each of God’s Holy’s Day offers an opportunity for a closer relationship with God and a chance for greater blessings in our lives.

The scriptures are “Instructions” from God, a “How To Manual” if you will.  During the “Appointed Times” we are commanded to come before Him and celebrate. It is a time when God pours into us greater understanding and deeper insight to His nature and His will for our everyday lives. During these special holy appointments in His presence, the Father opens up the windows of heaven and pours out a blessing that we cannot contain.  It’s too bad the majority of believers don’t show up for their appointment with God.  Could it be our prayers are being answered, we just don’t show up at the right time to accept the blessing.  Something to think about!

The month of Shevat is called the month of righteousness and a time to develop the plan of sustaining the generations. This month what you meditate on produces the life or nourishment for your future. This month and every month focus on Adonai our God.

[1] Stern, D. H. (1998). Complete Jewish Bible: an English version of the Tanakh (Old Testament) and B’rit Hadashah (New Testament) (1st ed., 2 Tim 2:15). Clarksville, MD: Jewish New Testament Publications.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Michelle

    Thank you! I remember praying for God to synchronize me to His timing then I learned God has a calendar. I’m still learning…

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