Yeshua (Jesus) was baptized in the Jordan River during the month of February. This is the topic of a fascinating article I just read in the February 2024 edition of the Rood Review newsletter from A Rood Awakening International, a non-profit ministry dedicated to restoring the first-century roots of the Christian faith. This ministry researches and maintains an Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Calendar that is a one-of-a-kind calendar using data from NASA and pinpoint-accurate biblical history to calculate time the way Yeshua did — according to YeHoVaH’s original reckoning of time… not a man-made system!
Here is a very interesting excerpt from the article, “The Mikveh.”
This month marks an important milestone in biblical history. It was the 20th day of the 11th month (Shevat) on the Hebrew calendar (February 16, 27CE) that Yochanan (aka John the Baptist) “mikveh-ed” Yeshua in the Jordan River – beginning his 70-week ministry.
The word “baptize” is a transliteration of the Greek word baptidzo, which is laden with pagan connotations. Yochanan was doing that with which every Israelite was familiar from birth, the “mikveh,” which literally means “running water” and was part of the ongoing practice of repentance, cleansing, and renewal. The mikveh is always complete immersion in running water (moving water like a river or stream) and was most often done in private. The mikveh is unrelated to the pagan practice of baptism, which usually consists of sprinkling water upon the initiate by a priest.
Just as Yeshua’s mikveh in water marked the beginning of his earthly ministry, the mikveh of fire known as Shavuot or Pentecost is the new beginning. It fell on the first day of the week. (?) It began the 71st week, and the 491st day after Yeshua commenced his ministry by his mikveh in the Jordan River.
Once the apostles were filled with the gift of the Ruach Kodesh (Holy Spirit) at the Feast of Shavuot (a commemoration of the day that the Torah was shouted down (from heaven) on Mount Sinai), the Torah was written on their hearts, and they received their orders directly from the resurrected Messiah -just as is stated in verse 2 of Luke’s opening statement. On that momentous day (Pentecost) Shimon Kefa (Peter) revealed that this gift is available to everyone who calls on Yeshua’s name.

Baptized in the Jordan River is an ai generated image by Vesa Leppänen from Pixabay

Courtesy: Tourstist Israel Travel Service Provider.
During February in Israel, change is in the air. Winter draws to an end, the rain dwindles off, and many annual events begin to take place. February is one of the most beautiful times of the year, as much of the country is covered in gleaming green grass after the rain. February in Israel includes an amazing selection of concerts, as well as music festivals, exhibitions, and the first trickle of events that take advantage of Israel’s great spring weather. Here are our insider tips for the best things to do in February in Israel.
Tourist Israel is the leading travel service provider in Israel.